Equipment cards in Magic have come a long way since their inception during their original Mirrodin block. From the very beginning the designs were strong and WotC has actually been working towards balancing. Cards that are either staples (Swords of X and Y, Lightning Greaves) or banned (Skullclamp) were cards from that original batch. Many of these will later become cube staples that are a menace to play against. If you do a bit of research on the cards I mentioned, you'll noticed that they all come from the same era. They assist decks with various situations from generating card advantage to just beating down your opponents faster.
Equipment cards are designed with two costs in mind: a casting cost and an equip cost. With some exceptions, equipment cards should be judged based on their total cost to cast and equip since that will be the cost you pay in order to get this equipment online.
When looking at equipment in any build, you can categorize them into 2 groups: Utility and Pumps. Equipment can fall into both categories, but it is very rare.
Equipment Support
Before we take a look at different equipment, there are cards that smooth out the experience of running equipment. Generally, you want to be running cards that either lower the cost of getting the equipment online (cast and equipped) or actually tutoring for them. Remember the power provided by the equipment is the payoff, while these support cards better enable them.
Steelshaper's Gift and Open the Armory are both tutors for equipment. They are excellent for fetching any equipment in your deck since they cost so little mana to use however, they are useless if you run no equipments.
Ardenn, Intrepid Achaeologist is a great because it mitigates the equip cost of any number of cards and attaches them to one creature. This effect starts during the beginning of your combat, so he has an impact the moment he enters the battlefield. This ability will let you equip any future equipment for free as well getting them online as soon as it enters. Solid option for lower power cubes since he is easy to remove and needs to have the equipment on the battlefield to matter right away. Main problem is that only those decks want him and he's not as if you do not have the density for equipment.
Danitha Capashen is a card I like a lot. She is a solid attacker and defender thanks to her 3 keywords, which is just nuts. This alone merits her consideration into my cubes. The addition of her ability to reduce the cost to equip or play auras is just more spice on a solid creature. As mentioned, she is a strong creature and is a worthy candidate to be carrying your equipment in addition to suiting her up with auras and counters.
Sigarda's Aid is a powerful support option if you run a large enough density of auras and equipment. For the cost of one white mana, all of your equipment has flash and can be attached right away. This is sweet for multiple reasons. The main one is that it mitigates the equip cost on equipment from the hand, which translates to clunky cards like Loxodon Warhammer being way better. Secondly, this turns all of your equipment into combat tricks that stick around now. The main problem is that it really wants a density of equipment or a way to get them in your hand.
Pump Equipments
Pump equipments are defined as equipment whose main function is to just serve as a stat booster/ keyword giver. If they do have other functions they are secondary. These cards are best attached to creature that already have strong keywords like Flying or First Strike since they encourage you to attack. We'll cover some of the cards in this category. Remember these are guidelines to reference.
Bonesplitter's power cannot and should not be underestimated regardless of how simple the design looks. The card costs 1 generic mana to cast and 1 generic mana to equip. The card gives the equipped creature +2/0. The power boost this gives any creature is absurd. At minimum, the equipped creature can trade with much larger creatures, while representing a significant clock on your opponents. Combined with various keywords and this card becomes significantly more oppressive. With the low cost to equip, you can easily attach it between your creatures as you need it. This card is a staple cube card at all levels and should be the baseline with which you grade your other pump equipment. This is a good role filler in any creature based deck.
Loxodon Warhammer has been a budget staple card in cube forever. It cost 3 to cast and equip making its total cost 6. This is clunky and a problem with this card. Once you are able to equip it, the suited up creature turns into a monster to deal it. It grants +3/0, lifelink, and trample to the equipped creature. This turns every swing into a chunky life swing in your favor. With the trample,chump blocking becomes invalid and lets the creature push through damage. The clunkiness of the card makes it ill-suited for low curve aggro decks, however the strength of this card shines through in midrange decks that can handle the costs. In those decks, it is excellent at breaking board stalls making it a great top deck. The problem is that it shares the same cost as our next set of equipments, which are significantly better and way more expensive.
Swords of X and Y are a staple when it comes to equipments. When it was just the enemy colored ones, cube designers would just throw all 5 in and call it a day for equipment, but times have changed and now we have access the the allied colors one as well. The swords all share a template of costing 3 to cast and 2 to equip (5 mana total), give equipped creaturess +2/+2, have protection from 2 colors, and have on hit abilities that are tied to those 2 colors. These cards are categorized here because the ability on these cards only lead to your opponents dying faster. In fact, the game will probably end in the next couple of turns. The protection granted by these cards vary in utility, but against the right decks your opponents are more than likely not surviving much longer once it is equipped. These cards are absurdly powerful and will swing the game in your favor, once you are able to connect once. The main thing keeping these cards behind is that they are clunky like Loxodon Warhammer, but if you can and want to run them, I'd run a couple since anymore is overkill.
Maul of the Skyclave has been one of the favorite equipments since its initial release in 2020. It costs 2W, has an equip cost of 2WW, and will give a creature +2/+2, Flying and First Strike. The best part is that it essentially functions like an aura by immediately attaching itself to a creature upon ETB. This will turn any of your creatures into an aggressive, evasive threat and forcing your opponent to deal with it. Even if the creature is killed the reequip cost isn't too bad to manage since it can be seen as casting the "flashback" on the card. This card is solid in any deck at all power levels, though it does not compete well in a vacuum against the sword cycle. Unlike the other equipment mentioned in this section, this card is a white card instead of colorless, so the evaluation will be different.
Heirloom Blade has been a card I've been hearing about a lot, though I have limited experience with it. For 3 to cast and 1 to equip (4 mana total), you can give an equipped creature +3/+1. Since the cost to reequip is so low, swapping this around creatures What sets this apart from Grafted Wargear is that when the equipped creature dies, you will get a creature that shares a creature type with it, which should be close to 70% of the time. Having a creature to replace the one you just lost adds a lot of resiliency to your deck. Great for tribal cubes, but it should be playable in any cube unless somehow none of your creatures share any creature types together.
Embercleave is a powerhouse finisher among the cube community and a favorite card of mine. With the inclusion of flash on the card and auto equipping, you can treat this card as a combat trick, making this potent for blowing out any blockers or immediately doubling the damage of the equipped creature. Unlike instant or sorcery combat tricks, this will stick around.The combination of double strike and trample means that your creature is going to be connecting with your opponent since trample will prevent the second strike from blanking. Though the card cost 6 mana, it has inbuilt cost reduction letting you play it for as low as RR. Lastly, the equip cost isn't too egregious when you need to use it. This is a card I can't see being replaced in cube anytime soon and would recommend it if you can fit it in your cube.
Utility Equipment differ from pump equipment by having their main functions defined by the ability on the card rather than the stat buff provided to the creature, though it may matter to the function.
Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves are solid cards in any cube that chooses to run them. First off, they are cheap to get online with both cost 2 generic to cast and 1(3 total)/0 (2 total) respectively to equip They provide your creatures with protection from your opponents targeted abilities with Hexproof and Shroud respectively. The protection is great since you can cover any key creature you need whether it be a combo piece or just a large threat. The cards also grant haste, which is excellent for colors that want haste, but don't have in color access to it. This also means that it is another haste enabler for any Fires- style deck (imagine a hasted Hero of Bladehold).
Mask of Memories is not a card I hear a lot about but it seems like a solid option as a utility equipment at lower rarities. It functions as both a card advantage generator and a discard outlet. The ability is triggered when the equipped creature does combat damage. This makes creatures with double strike and evasion are the preferred choice to hold it. Double strike will trigger this card twice which is great. The card has a cheap cast and equip cost, which makes this card resemble the "Thirst for" cards. In an environment without the best equipment, I would consider this as an option.
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