Brothers War is coming off of what feels like a constant stream of Magic news and I'm feeling overwhelmed with the amount of product. The fatigue is detracting from the product, which is unfortunate, because look at the set, it looks great. The lore, art, and flavor of what is going in the story is well represented on the cards. There is a lot to say about the artwork. It is epic with everything really encapsulating the story of the brothers, the road to war, and the war itself. There's something exciting to behold seeing Urza leading an army of mechs to war or him and Mishra in melee combat. I find the cards themselves interesting to play with. I see this set opening up more artifact routes in cube in more colors. The printing of Meria, Scholars of Antiquities had everyone a little curious as to what was going to happen with Gruul artifacts and this set reaffirms that there will be more support for Gruul Artifacts.
The way I approach card reviews for cube is that I separate them into 2 categories: recommendations and cards of interest. Recommendations are cards that I think will play impressively in a large variety of cubes. These are what I would consider the slam dunk inclusions. Cards of interest will typically be cards that are interesting to play. They might need some build around to get going but could create a different playstyle or archetype in your cubes.They are also cards that are good in limited, but might be environment dependent.
- Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor
- Into the Trenches
- Third Path Iconoclasts
- Hostile Negotiations
- Arcane Proxy
- Phyrexian Fleshgorger
- Phyrexian Dragon Engine
- Zephyr Sentinel
- Argoth, Sanctum of Nature
- Coastal Bulwark
- Transmogrant Altar
- Haywire Mite
- Transmogrant's Crown
- Razorlash Transmogrant
- Surge Engine
- Portal Phyrexia
- Bladecoil Serpent
- Recommision
- Recruitment Officer
- Laydown Arms
- Brotherhood's End
- Loran of the Third Path
- Skystrike Officer
- Myrel, Shield of Argive
- Draconic Destiny
- Staff of Titania
Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor is easily one of the best cards coming from this set. The card is essentially a monoblack Edric, which is brutal to play against. Edric supports aggressive strategies by becoming a massive draw engine for go-wide strategies. This gives your deck a constant flow of resources to push your game plan further. The value you accrue from the card is explosive and will easily turn the game in your favor. Part of the reason, Edric is a nightmare is because the creature cards are not worth spending the spot removal or counterspell to deal with it, which ultimately becomes a mistake as the game progresses. The two cards do have significant differences between them that effects how the cards are played. First off, the card is just black, making it easier to play in multiple decks. The double black might place some restriction on what decks can cast it, but it isn't as strenuous as Edric. Being in black also means having access to the recursive aggro creatures black is famously known for. The draw effects are different as well with Gix's effect asking you to pay one life to draw a card. This creates situations where this card is bad to play as your life is too low and now this is essentially a vanilla 3/3. There are also hatebear pieces that can prevent you from paying the life, which does prevent the card draw ability. Lastly, there is a 7 mana ability that allows you to discard cards to steal cards from the top of their library to cast for free.
Zephyr Sentinel is an awesome card to play based on just the baseline. A flash, flying 2/1 is an awesome card to be playing thanks to the added flexibility of when you play the card. The aggressive statting on the card makes a serious threat that needs to be dealt with. When compared to other similar cards, the last ability is great as it, combined with the flash, becomes an extremely powerful and flexible tool. It can be used as a combat trick to protect your creatures from your opponent's stuff, while putting the creature back in your hand. You can get value off of ETB abilities with it.
Argoth, Sanctum of Nature has action going for it that I enjoy and want to try out. Lands are always worth a look at when they are trying to do more than produce mana. Unfortunately, Argoth suffers from being clunky to play. As a monocolored land, it has to compared to a basic Forest, although it's not taking the slot of one. I like what the card does and I think the cost for it is fair and I've seen all too often how deceptive the high mana cost on land ability blur the actual power of the card. What I don't like is that the land can only enter untapped if you control a legendary green creature, making this card an awful choice to have in your opening hand, especially if you play with a ton of mana dorks. Furthermore, the activated ability can only be used at sorcery speed.
Coastal Bulwark occupies a unique space in cube because it is an artifact. It is a colorless wall you can sink mana into. This is a worse version of Sinister Starfish, but colorless which changes the flexibility of the card. Unlike Vedalken Shackles, the wants an Island for the power buff, but that is not needed for this card to thrive.
Haywire Mite has me confused on my evaluation skills because I saw one article praising the glory of this card. The green sacrifice ability is the reason to play this card with the death effect being extra gravy. The number of targets in my cube is smaller than what other cards can already hit. There may be a spot for it in vintage cubes as artifacts are much more prominent in those environments.
Transmorgrant's Crown is at the crossroads of being both Bonesplitter and Skull Clamp. The main thing limiting this card is the mana cost to play with it. Outside of black, you are spending 4 mana to give a creature +2/0, when Grafted Wargear exists and it doesn't get better with black mana as you are still spending 3 mana.
Razorlash Transmogrant feels like another card in the large selection of recursive aggressive black creatures. What I like is that it is a zombie for Gravecrawler synergies. The recursion cost being 6 mana is way too much and even the cost reduction is difficult to reach since it is dependent on your opponent.
Surge Engine is a card I'm iffy about but it might be more powerful than I am currently evaluating it at. The card has a similar level up mechanic to other cards in this vein, most recently Evolved Sleeper. What got me excited about this card is that it can essentially be a balanced True Name Nemesis or an upgraded Latch Seeker once you get the first level. This is honestly all you need for this card to thrive in your environment. You can scale this up as well by dumping your extra mana to hit level 2 to represent a faster clock. Should the game drag on any longer, you can always level it up to level 3 for my gas. This makes it an excellent top deck. Being a tempo based artifact creature really fits it into being a versatile blue creature.
Portal to Phyrexia is a bigger, badder God Pharaoh's Gift that forces your opponent's to sacrifice 3 creatures. The sacrifice ability will help fuel the second ability, which is allowing you to choose targets from both graveyards. The card seems awesome in Welder decks and ramp decks. The main problem is that the card is slow since it is 9 mana and does require a bit of set up, however you should be winning within a couple of turns.
Bladecoil Serpent is kind of a neat card. I like how it reads, however when I envision how this card actually play, it's not looking hot. Without spending X mana, I am seeing a highly versatile uncommon due to the need for double mana symbols. The card does not synergy well with general artifacts or reanimation strategies, however mana rocks might provide the mana fixes that will allow you to make this card devastating. For those of us who are planning to run it, I would classify it as a Grixis card.
Recommission seems interesting to play with especially if you already play Unearth. This is a low MV reanimation spell that can also target artifacts. This can be interesting in lower rarity environments where other reanimation spells are limited, but in a general cube there are better options.
Recruitment Officer is another Savannah Lion Variant that plays a role in white aggro. What stands out about this card is that you are able to use an activated ability to fill your hand with more creatures. This makes it an alright topdeck in these decks.
Lay Down Arms is a clear throwback to Swords to Plowshare. The card scales up its effect but is nowhere as powerful as the other removal that white has. Where this card shines will be in format restricted cubes where swords is not readily available. Also it's 1 mana to cast and will be able to hit almost any target. The only things dodging it are really big creatures.
Loran of the Third Path is the long awaited Reclamation Sage that white has been waiting for. Previously, white only had two creatures that would ETB and destroy an artifact/enchantment: one of which is a 5 drop and the other was a 4 drop space marine from 40K. This is the cheapest this effect is available and I would have really wanted to run this card, however it is a little late to the party. Skyclave Apparition is a card that exists now and it has all of the same lines of play or better than Loran. Loran does have a draw ability, however I feel that if you are using it, it could solidify your loss.
Skystrike Officer seems like the blue equivalent of an "Adeline/Brimaz/Rabblemaster" style card. There's a lot I like about the card. First off, the card is essentially a growing threat since it can grow your board state without you needing to spend extra resources on it. This is sweet for decks looking to hold up mana for interaction. It's clock may not be as high as some of the comparisons, but this effect is in blue, which doesn't get these type of effect normally. You can also use the tokens generated to start drawing cards with its second ability. The creature itself is a respectable flying 2/3 meaning that it can safely swing and push damage at a reasonable pace. The lack of flash is a real concern since in higher power cubes,Vendilion Clique and Brazen Borrower are competing against it. This card is a faster clock, but the lack of flash leaves its open to getting removed setting you back.
Myrel, Shield of Argive is a card I want to like, however with so many other cards with similar effects already existing, I'd rather play any of those. By no means is this card a bad card, instead the concern is the power level of the card. Automatically it is going to be compared to Hero of Bladehold and Leonin Warleader, which it is better than neither of those two. What's more the dreaded 4 cmc section of white is stacked with some of the best cube cards, making it hard for this card to breakthrough. The Grand Abolisher effect is less potent as you are primarily dealing with only one enemy and this was the main reason to play the card. What's more the token generation ability does not having the soldier tokens attacking alongside it, hampering and already slow card. There is a role for this card and I can see this card existing in an environment with soldier tribal, which isn't that hard to achieve.
Draconic Destiny is the long awaited cycle mate of Angelic Destiny and there's a lot to like and dislike about it. The stat boost, haste, and flying are a huge welcome to any creature alongside the addition of firebreathing. The recursion on the enchantment is great as it becomes sort of like a pseudo equipment being able to move it onto the next target and continue the pressure. What I do not like is that the card gives to little P/T to the creature, however I may be downplaying the impact of firebreathing. Having a mana cost of 3 does make the card a little clunky, but I am a huge fan of Maul of the Skyclaves.
Staff of Titania seems like a better Blanchwood Armor, though the start up is a little clunky. The card generates a Dryad Arbor each turn you swing with it. This will give one additional mana to use each turn, increase the P/T provided by the artifact, and create more bodies to equip the artifact onto. This card excels in green decks, but will perform okay in nongreen decks. This main thing I do not like about this equipment is no evasion given. making it easy to chump block.
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